Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Have a Name For My Payne...

...and it is Marky Mark! No disrespect, I'm actaully a Mark Wahlberg fan (Boogie Nights, the Departed) but even he couldn't save The Happening (though a good script and a different director might have)

Anyway, I did quite enjoy blazing my way through the video game Max Payne a few years ago. It was fun, dark, and a had a pulpy heart I quite enjoyed. His premise has shades of the Punisher, (and the drug induced level where you played his families murder flashback was a bitch). Overall it did have the makings of a nice little film. From what I've seen, Wahlberg nails the voice-over work, but it is a video game film, so who knows. Anyway check out the new posters realsed for the film. Second one is classic Payne (and the game cover) so I dig that one. And I'm not sure about the first... were there angels in the game? I don't remember that.No really, I don't remember angels. Especially shiny ones.

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